
Bluezone Insurance Rebrands to Blueberry Life, Launching Expanded Life Insurance Solution For Individuals with Chronic Health Conditions

Bluezone Insurance, a trailblazer in the life insurance industry, is proud to announce its rebranding to Blueberry Life, accompanied by the launch of its expanded life insurance solution that supports more chronic health conditions such as Type 1 Diabetes, pre-diabetes, high blood pressure, high BMI and high cholesterol.

Type 2 Diabetes and Nausea

Nausea (feeling sick) is something just about everyone experiences at some time or another. For example, you may have eaten something that didn’t agree with you, have a tummy bug, or are in the throes of a migraine. But nausea can also point toward more serious issues. Can Type 2 diabetes cause nausea? It certainly can, and without a doctor’s help, it may be hard to pinpoint exactly why you’re experiencing nausea. It could be a matter of passing discomfort, or it can be a sign that something much more serious is going on.

Type 2 Diabetes and Dizziness

Can Type 2 diabetes make you dizzy? If you’ve been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, listening to your body - paying attention to any symptoms you might experience - will be important in managing your health. Dizziness is definitely a sign that something isn’t as it should be, but there are multiple reasons why people with Type 2 diabetes might feel dizzy.

How Type 2 Diabetes Affects Wound Healing

Wounds that heal more slowly than you’d expect are a red flag that sometimes prompts deeper investigation and a diabetes diagnosis. But whatever led to your diagnosis, you’ll need to know more about how Type 2 diabetes affects wound healing and how that might impact you. Before we get into practical tips, tricks, and advice on what to look out for and how to mitigate the problem, let’s investigate the effect of Type 2 diabetes on wound healing.

Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetic Neuropathy

Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage caused by high blood sugar levels. As a person with Type 2 diabetes, understanding diabetic neuropathy, and knowing how you can prevent or minimise this type of damage is important to you. You’ll also want to know about its symptoms, treatment options, and when you should turn to your doctor for help. This resource aims to give you all the basic information you need about this common but serious diabetes-related complication.

Bluezone Partners with Shepherds Friendly

Bluezone - now known as Blueberry Life, an insurtech reinventing life insurance for people with chronic illnesses, has announced a new partnership with leading insurer, Shepherds Friendly, to launch an upgraded version of its unique Life Insurance policy for people with Type 2 diabetes. The partnership will give more individuals with Type 2 diabetes access to life insurance by utilising advanced tech solutions that will offer much wider and affordable pricing options using a new premium adjustment feature, and tailored cover based on an individual’s specific requirements.

What is High-Risk Life Insurance?

Risk is an important factor in any form of insurance - including life insurance. Insurance companies use the principle of “pooling” risk. Everybody has some degree of risk, and that’s why they take out insurance. The premiums that each person pays go into a pool of funds from which claims are paid out when unfortunate events occur. To keep this fair, premiums are calculated according to your individual risk profile.

What Infections Are You At Risk Of With Type 2 Diabetes?

You’re determined to turn your health around after discovering that you have Type 2 diabetes. But then you hear that vulnerability to infections and Type 2 diabetes go together. What’s all that about? Should you resign yourself to a life filled with comorbidities? There’s good news for you: managing Type 2 diabetes well makes you more resistant to these woes.

Type 2 Diabetes and Polyuria (Frequent Urination)

Too-frequent urination isn’t just an inconvenience. It could be a sign that you have Type 2 diabetes. Urination that gets you up and heading for relief several times a night can wreak havoc on your sleep patterns, drastically affecting your energy levels and quality of life - but it could be a symptom of a manageable or treatable condition. In this article, we’ll focus on Type 2 diabetes and frequent urination, but we’ll also touch on other possible reasons for polyuria.

Accessing Your NHS GP Records

You're ready to take control of your health. As a person who is living with Type 2 diabetes, access to NHS GP records allows you to track your history and see what progress you’re making. Your goal? A long, healthy, and rewarding life in which you’re able to achieve the things that matter most to you. For many of us, that’s being there for our children - and maybe even our grandchildren.

Type 2 Diabetes and Polydipsia (Excessive Thirst)

Are you always thirsty? Type 2 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder that affects millions of people. One of the hallmark symptoms of Type 2 diabetes is polydipsia, feeling excessively thirsty. Understanding the relationship between diabetes and polydipsia can help you to recognise it as a possible symptom of Type 2 diabetes.

Is Weight Loss a Symptom of Type 2 Diabetes?

Weight loss: it’s something that over 65 percent of people in the UK probably ought to aim for as a health goal. But not all weight loss is healthy. When people with untreated Type 2 diabetes experience weight loss, we are definitely looking at an example of that. But why does Type 2 diabetes cause weight loss in some people? The answer to this question reveals just why it’s one of those instances in which you need to take action - unintended weight loss is always something you should see your doctor about.

Type 2 Diabetes and Polyphagia (Constant Hunger)

Do you feel hungry all the time? It’s called “polyphagia” or “hyperphagia” and it could be a symptom of Type 2 diabetes, but it can have other causes like imbalances, stress, anxiety or depression. If you’re eating well but feel like you’re starving, be sure to see your doctor so that you can work together to discover the reasons why food doesn’t satisfy you.

Type 2 Diabetes and Blurry Vision

Can Type 2 diabetes cause blurred vision? It’s one of the symptoms of diabetes - but why does it happen, and should you be concerned about vision loss? In this article, we will put this potentially concerning symptom of Type 2 diabetes under the spotlight while also discussing eye care for people living with Type 2 diabetes.

How Does Type 2 Diabetes Affect Your Feet?

You get given a lot of information when you are diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes - and some of it may seem unexpected. For many people, being told that they should pay extra attention to foot health may have been among these surprises. How does Type 2 diabetes affect your feet? This article will give you all the information you need to understand Type 2 diabetes feet symptoms: why they happen, what they mean, and what you should do about them.

Bluezone Announces Partnership with

Bluezone (now known as Blueberry Life), an insurtech reinventing life insurance for people with chronic illnesses is delighted to announce a new strategic partnership with, the largest diabetes community in the world, having just launched a new life insurance solution for people with Type 2 Diabetes. This week is Diabetes Week 2023, and this partnership aims to offer support and advice to the huge community of individuals impacted by diabetes around the world and raise awareness of the new life insurance solution.

Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms in Men

Type 2 diabetes symptoms in men include those that are common to all or most people who are living with diabetes - but they also include a few issues that are unique to males. To help you to understand how Type 2 diabetes affects men, we’ll begin by looking at symptoms that affect men before taking a brief look at general diabetes symptoms that may affect people of both sexes. Bear in mind that sex differs from gender identity and is a purely biological designation.

Type 1 vs Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms

There may be several reasons why you’re reading this article. It could just be a desire to get more information about Type 1 vs Type 2 diabetes symptoms because you or someone close to you has a diagnosis. However, if you’re reading this because you’re worried about your health or that of a family member, diabetes screening is the best solution, and there’s no time like the present.

New Life Insurance Solution for People with Type 2 Diabetes Launches in UK

Blueberry life, an insurtech reinventing life insurance for people with chronic illnesses, launches its first policy in the UK with a unique policy for people with Type 2 diabetes. The new life insurance solution offers any individuals in the UK with Type 2 diabetes life insurance cover through a seamless digital journey that will deliver a 10-fold improvement on the current solution by removing lengthy form filling and required medical appointments previously needed to secure a similar policy.

Type 2 Diabetes High and Low Blood Sugar Symptoms

It can be confusing and hard to find a balance. You’ve been told that your Type 2 diabetes means you have to watch out for high blood sugar levels that can permanently damage your health. At the same time, you’re warned that low blood sugar levels can be dangerous too! Why do people with Type 2 diabetes get low blood sugar problems? What are the causes of high blood sugar in Type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise

After you received your Type 2 diabetes diagnosis your doctor may have told you that you can lower your blood glucose levels by getting more exercise. Now that you’re back home, you’re digesting this, and you have questions! What’s the best type of exercise for Type 2 diabetes? And what’s the best time to exercise for people with Type 2 diabetes? Should it be before or after you eat? In this article, we’ll address these questions and more. So, get your trainers on, and let’s get moving!

Hypoglycaemia in Type 2 Diabetes

If you’re healthy, your body is able to regulate its own blood glucose levels, secreting insulin when blood sugar rises, and glycogen when it begins to fall too low. But if you are living with Type 2 diabetes, things are more complicated. You may need medication to help your body control your blood glucose levels or prescribe insulin itself. This helps you to lower your blood sugar level, but you can’t just “set and forget”.

How is Type 2 Diabetes Diagnosed?

It all starts with a suspicion. Perhaps you know you’re at risk and have noticed that you’re experiencing one or more of the symptoms of Type 2 diabetes. What should you do next? The most important thing to do is to take action. If you really do have this condition, getting a diagnosis for Type 2 diabetes means that you’ll also get the treatment you need.

Is Type 2 Diabetes Considered a Disability in The UK?

Are you considered to be disabled if you have Type 2 diabetes? It’s a rather complicated question! A person who has diabetes that hasn’t progressed to serious physical damage and who can function normally in society isn’t a person that most people would see as being disabled. At the same time, people who need to use medication as a treatment for diabetes are protected by the Equality Act.

How to Manage Type 2 Diabetes

You recently received a Type 2 diabetes diagnosis. Your doctor or nurse might have spent some time talking about what you need to do, but it’s almost impossible to take all that information on board while you’re still reeling from the shock of discovering that you have a serious health condition. Need a recap? You’ll find the information you need right here.

How to Complete a Successful Finger-Prick Blood Test at Home

How well are you managing your health? In the not-very-distant past, the only way to get information on indicators like your HbA1c or kidney function would be to ask your doctor to recommend blood tests. But now, you can do your blood test at home and simply post your sample off for analysis.

The Difference Between Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes

What is the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes? You’ll find the answers here. Let’s look at the similarities first. In both conditions, the body struggles to regulate the amount of sugar in the bloodstream. Insulin has a role in both conditions, but the reasons why people with Type 1 and 2 diabetes need extra insulin can be slightly different.

Is Type 2 Diabetes Genetic?

Is Type 2 diabetes genetic? Like so many things in life, there are no simple answers. All the same, it’s safe to say that if other people in your family have Type 2 diabetes, you could be at higher risk of getting it too. In this article we’ll look at Type 2 diabetes and genes, how to find out if you’re genetically predisposed to Type 2 diabetes, and what you can do about it.

Causes and Risk Factors of Type 2 Diabetes

What causes Type 2 diabetes? You’ve heard about the global Type 2 diabetes epidemic, and you want to know whether you’re at risk, or you have been diagnosed and are wondering what may have caused you to develop the condition. In looking at causes and Type 2 diabetes risk factors, you’ll find sensible ways to reduce the impact of Type 2 Diabetes on your health, and if you’re at risk, you’ll discover what you can do to reduce your risk.

Scaling Lifestyle Medicine With Technology

Having practiced clinical medicine in the NHS for 2 years, I have noticed a number of problems that I can no longer ignore. The undeniable one is the imbalance in demand and supply of healthcare resources — too many patients but too few healthcare professionals. This leads to an overworked workforce, poor management decisions and spiralling costs to the system.

Tips for Buying Life Insurance for The First Time

You’re considering getting life insurance, but it’s all new to you. You want to know how to buy life insurance, how much coverage you should get, and what the process involves. In this guide, we’ll work to answer your questions including how to buy life insurance online and the factors that will be used by underwriters to calculate your premiums.

How to Make a Life Insurance Claim

You’re acting on behalf of a deceased family member, and you discover that they had the foresight to take out a life insurance policy. The payout will certainly be invaluable to its beneficiaries, particularly if they are the deceased’s bereaved family members. But you don’t know how to make a claim on life insurance.

What is the Best Life Insurance for Married Couples?

You met that special someone, fell in love, and got married. Together, you have embarked on a shared journey through life that you hope will last, as your wedding vows indicated, until death parts you. However, both you and your spouse want to be prepared in case the worst happens.

Life Insurance for Women

These days, the cost of childcare alone could be a heavy blow to your family’s household budget if you were to pass away. Despite this, fewer women have life insurance when compared to men. Are you wondering whether life insurance for women is something you should get? Let’s consider the facts.

Do You Need Life Insurance for a Mortgage?

You want to have a home of your own, but one question is bothering you: do you need life insurance for a mortgage? In this article, we’ll answer your question and discuss the pros and cons of life insurance policies when you’re applying for a mortgage and once you have one. We’ll also take a quick look at life insurance options if you’re living with preexisting health conditions, since you may be finding this something of a thorny problem.

Life Insurance for New Parents

Adding a new baby to your family is a wonderful experience. But with the joy comes long-term responsibility, so your awe is tinged with concern. Of course you will do your best for your child for as long as you live, but what if something were to happen to you? That’s when you start wondering about life insurance for young parents.

How Do Life Insurance Companies Check Medical Backgrounds?

If you’re taking out life insurance you might find yourself wondering how life insurance companies check a medical background. Do life insurance companies check medical records? You may be pleased to hear that not all of them do. Here are the facts about life insurance companies and your medical records.

What is Term Life Insurance?

Are you shopping around for life insurance? You’ll find that there’s more than one type of insurance, and each has its pros and cons. In this article, we’ll help you to understand the different types of term life insurance and how they work. Use this information when thinking about what you want your life insurance to do for you.

What Does Life Insurance Cover?

If you’re new to insurance, you may find yourself wondering precisely what life insurance covers. That’s largely up to you. Let’s take a closer look at what life insurance is and the kind of things your family would use it for. The basic concept of life insurance is quite simple. If you were to die during the term of your insurance, your beneficiaries will receive an insurance payout.

How Much Life Insurance Do You Need?

Having a family of your own is truly wonderful, but it comes with obligations and responsibilities. As a spouse and parent, you’ve reached a point where you want to have contingency plans for just about every eventuality - including your own death. That means getting life insurance and with this comes the burning question: “How much life insurance do I need?”

The Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes in Women

Diabetes in women: surely it’s the same as it is for men? You might be surprised to find that, though there are similarities, symptoms of Type 2 diabetes can be different, with different associated risks. Worried? Let’s look at some facts regarding women and Type 2 diabetes, starting with symptoms and looking at additional risks and how to manage them.

Insulin Treatment for Type 2 Diabetes

Even before you were diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, you knew that people with Type 2 diabetes may need to use insulin. Since your diagnosis, using insulin for Type 2 diabetes has become a personal issue. You may have a lot of questions about insulin treatment for Type 2 diabetes, and we’ll strive to give you the information you need right here.

Medications for Type 2 Diabetes

Following your Type 2 diabetes diagnosis, you’ve been doing a little research of your own. After all, remembering everything your doctor told you isn’t always easy, and you may be wondering if he or she might have missed some important bit of information. In this article, we’ll take a look at the different Type 2 diabetes medications, what they do, and what you should know about them.

Different Types of Life Insurance Explained

As a person who has been diagnosed with Type2 diabetes, you’re reviewing your life insurance, or are considering getting life insurance. After all, no matter who you are, life insurance helps your family to cope financially if you were to pass away. That matters to you. But if you thought life insurance was a type of insurance on its own, you might be surprised to find that there are several types of life insurance.

Why You Need Life Insurance

Insurance is always something of a grudge purchase. After all, we’re really hoping the worst won’t happen. If it doesn’t, we don’t need the insurance. However, there are two things that are inevitable no matter who you are, and they’re death and taxes. While life insurance won’t help you with the latter (unless you have an outstanding tax bill when you pass away), there are a lot of reasons why being insured is the responsible thing to do.

Leg Pain Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Leg pain is a common problem in people with Type 2 diabetes. If it’s something that’s bothering you, you might be wondering just how worried you should be about Type 2 diabetes leg pain, why it happens, what you should do about it, and whether you should see your doctor. Use our overview of Type 2 diabetes leg pain to gain an understanding of what’s happening to you and what can be done about it.

Getting Life Insurance with Diabetes

Your doctor says you have Type 2 diabetes - and you don’t even have life insurance! You’re worried about what the future may bring. Can you get life insurance if you have diabetes? Don’t get this wrong: diabetes isn’t necessarily a death penalty, but as with any chronic illness, it does bring home a sense of our own mortality.

Type 2 Diabetes and Tiredness

There are many reasons to feel tired, but it is a common symptom for people with Type 2 diabetes. Tiredness related to Type 2 diabetes is usually related to blood glucose levels going too high or too low. It can also be related to low b12 levels if you are taking metformin tablets.

Type 2 Diabetes and Alcohol

Drinking within government guidelines is normally safe for people with Type 2 diabetes. That means drinking 14 units or less a week, ideally with some drink-free days. Fourteen units is about 6 pints of standard strength beer, or 10 small glasses or lower-strength wine.

Life Expectancy in Type 2 Diabetes

Your diagnosis just came in. You have Type 2 diabetes. It’s a shock, and one of your first questions might be “What is my Type 2 diabetes life expectancy?” There’s no easy answer to this, but the news might be better than you thought. To a large extent, how long you’re able to live with Type 2 diabetes will be up to you and how well you manage your condition.

Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity

By now, everyone has heard about the link between Type 2 Diabetes and obesity. However, fewer people are aware of the reasons why carrying too much fat increases diabetes risk. And, although the “whys” are interesting, you’d also like some actionable information on diabetes management when you’re struggling with your weight.

Metformin For Type 2 Diabetes; Benefits And Side-Effects

What is Metformin? Metformin is the most commonly used medicine to treat type 2 diabetes. It is a tablet that is normally taken with food between one to three times every day. Metformin works by helping the body to make less glucose and also helping insulin to work more effectively.

Foods To Avoid If You Have Type 2 Diabetes

You’re eager to take care of yourself and live a full and happy life after being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. What you eat has a very big impact on your blood glucose levels and eating healthy foods can reduce your need for medication. In this article, we’ll look at foods to avoid if you have been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

Can Type 2 Diabetes Be Reversed?

Within the first 10 years after a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, losing around 15kg (around 2 ½ stone) can reverse the changes associated with type 2 diabetes in 50% of patients. This means blood glucose levels will be below the levels seen in type 2 diabetes without needing to take medication to lower blood glucose levels.

What Is Insulin?

Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas. It helps the body control the rise in blood sugars that happens when you digest carbohydrates. Carbohydrates like starch (from rice, pasta, bread and potatoes) or sugars from sweeter tasting foods get broken down into a simple sugar called glucose.

Should I Invest in a Blood Glucose Monitor?

The most important reason for having a blood glucose meter is to prevent or pick up on low blood sugar levels. If you need to take insulin or medicine like gliclazide (a sulphonylurea) or a glinide, there may be times when your blood glucose levels drops below 4mmol/L (72mg/dL) and this can make you feel very unwell and drowsy.

A Dictionary of Common T2D Terms

The world of medicine is full of all kinds of jargon and you may find family or friends using completely different terms for very similar things. This article brings together “layman’s” terms and medical jargon into one neat package, with a focus on general diabetes care.

How Does Your Heart Work?

The human heart is an incredible organ that is about the size of your fist. It beats around 100,000 times every day, sending blood to every part of your body via a network of blood vessels. Blood carries oxygen and nutrition to cells and also takes away carbon dioxide and waste products to be excreted by the lungs and kidneys.

What Are Statins?

Statins are medicines that lower the levels of harmful (LDL) cholesterol in the blood. This can help to shrink the plaques that block arteries and help improve the blood supply to important organs in the blood.

What is Cardiovascular Disease?

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) refers to a range of problems that affect the heart and blood vessels. Most problems with circulation are caused by blood vessels becoming narrowed or blocked, reducing the blood supply to important parts of the body.

Very Low Calorie Diets in Type 2 Diabetes

Everyone can improve their diabetes control with lifestyle changes. There is also evidence that shows that if you have been living with diabetes for less than six years and don’t need insulin, you may be able to reverse type 2 diabetes by following a very strict diet.

The Signs & Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a lifelong condition that should be taken seriously, but it can be controlled with treatment and lifestyle changes. Symptoms of type 2 diabetes develop when the body shows signs that it is unable to control the levels of blood glucose in the blood.

How Can Type 2 Diabetes Affect Me?

The diagnosis journey and experience of people with type 2 diabetes is different for every person living with type 2 diabetes. Some people have a great start and have easy access to education courses and other resources about type 2 diabetes.

Type 2 Diabetes Complications

Knowing you have Type 2 Diabetes brings home some unpleasant realities. From now on, you’ll have to take extra care of your health. If you’ve had undiagnosed Type 2 diabetes for some time, you may already be showing signs of Type 2 diabetes complications. Perhaps you’re wondering if they can be reversed or mitigated.

Understanding HbA1c & Blood Glucose

Knowing your HbA1c is very useful when living with diabetes. It measures your average blood glucose level over the last 8-12 weeks. Your HbA1c level is linked to your risk of developing complications from type 2 diabetes.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes and Nausea

Nausea (feeling sick) is something just about everyone experiences at some time or another. For example, you may have eaten something that didn’t agree with you, have a tummy bug, or are in the throes of a migraine