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We aim to cover as many people as possible, but not everyone will be eligible. If we can’t cover you, our trusted partners will do their best to find you the right cover 💜

Let's get started

⏱️ Get a decision in just 5 minutes - no medical tests
🏝️ Risk free - cancel within 30 days for a full refund
🗓️ Pick your start date - pay only when it begins
🎁 New customer freebies - see below for details

Policies are underwritten by Shepherds Friendly using Blueberry Life’s advanced proprietary technology.

🎁 New customer offers

🔥 Only a few spots remaining - secure yours today

Face-to-face diabetes longevity appointments and sauna visit for new customers

The first 50 policies bought in March will get an exclusive 1-on-1 diabetes health coaching session with our founder Dr. Karan Mehta, followed by a sauna and cold plunge at Arc, Canary Wharf. But be quick, they’re going fast!

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💸 Worth £399

1 year free membership on Gro Health

Improve your health with 24/7 coaching through our partnership with Gro Health.

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Free £50 Amazon gift card

Take out a policy, you will receive a £50 Amazon gift card after your third premium is taken.

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